Efforts have begun in Brussels by the Mission of Eastern Caribbean States to ensure that the European Union’s broader development agenda reflects the specific structural vulnerabilities of Caribbean Small Island Development States (SIDS).
“These vulnerabilities include susceptibility to regularly occurring natural disasters resulting from environmental degradation and climate change, limited economies of scale, geographical remoteness as well limitations on natural, human and technical resource bases and attendant high indebtedness,” said Ambassador of the Eastern Caribbean States, Her Excellency Shirley Skerritt-Andrew of St. Kitts and Nevis.
Permanent Delegate of St. Kitts and Nevis to UNESCO, Dr. David P. Doyle hosted key Members of the European Parliament and representatives of International Organisations at the luncheon discussion which has been deemed to be successful. It was held at the European Parliament under the theme “The Small Island Developing States of the Caribbean: Addressing Vulnerability and Volatility through EU Expertise and Funding.”
Discussants agreed that in light of the expanding role of the European Parliament in the post Lisbon Treaty EU decision-making process, it is becoming increasingly important that MEPs understand the Caribbean States and advocate on their behalf within the EU, particularly the very vulnerable Member States of the OECS sub-region. […] Some MEPs mooted the idea of conducting follow up fact finding missions to further their understanding of the region.
Source: St. Kitts & Nevis Government More >>>
Location: Cayman Islands