Pope Francis: Hurricanes show humanity will 'go down' if it does not address climate change

Pope Francis has warned the recent spate of hurricanes should prompt people to understand that humanity will "go down" if it does not address climate change and history will judge those who deny the science on its causes.
Francis said history will judge those who deny the science on its causes and that "if we don’t turn back, we will go down"
He also chastised politicians who doubt man-made climate change, saying they have a moral responsibility to act and branding those who do not as “stupid”.
Doubters should study the evidence of global warming produced by scientists, which was “very clear”, he said.
The Pope made the remarks as he returned from a five-day trip to Colombia, flying over parts of the Caribbean which have been devastated by hurricanes in the past few days.
"Those who deny this must go to the scientists and ask them. They speak very clearly," he said. "These aren't opinions pulled out of thin air. They are very clear," he said. https://goo.gl/Tjktbp