In light of the richness of the biological diversity of 30 overseas entities that are connected to six Member States of the European Union (EU), and because of their constitutional and institutional peculiarities, IUCN conducted an in-depth review of the status of implementation of the CBD and of specific strategies and plans as part of CBD-led National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) at national levels. Some of the goals included identifying the current status of the various legal and policy instruments and the extent to which they have been implemented, as well as identifying the main lessons learned and documenting some of the best practices in the field of biodiversity conservation.
One of the recommendations of the report is that the EU and its institutions, especially the European Commission, should consider the establishment of an integrated policy framework for EU overseas entities and play a central role in ensuring therelevance and coherence between EU policies and the CBD’s post-2010 revised and updated strategic plan. [Publication: Future Directions for Biodiversity Action in Europe overseas
Can be downloaded at -- http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/2011-024.pdf
Location: Cayman Islands